Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Have Look At Golf Cart Accessories

Golf carts are getting more customary with habitancy day by day. They are useful to small communities apart from golfers, where they find use as low speed cars (35 mph). Electric cars are getting favorite because of its low carbon emission. A golf cart can be fitted with many accessories if desired. The accessories are chosen without paying for unnecessary ones. It's easy to install accessories on a golf cart yourself.

Ball and Club Washers

Callaway Cart Bags

The ball-washer or the ball & club washer and the sand & seed bottle premise are accessories that are connected to the game of golf. The washer, compact plastic molded box holding water and detergent can be divided into two, one for getting dirt and debris off the ball and the other for stiff cleaning brushes to clean the golf club head. The sand & seed bottle premise can be used to fix the bottle holding the composition for planting the greens. In case a swing shot damages the grass, the player should reset the turf by adding seeds and sand to reverse the damage. Bag extenders causes golf clubs to clear the rear wind guard.

Solar Panels

It is a very useful accessory. When there is good sun, a solar panel, will charge up the batteries and also act roof. The range can be extended up to one mile with an hour of charging. Trickle-charging can make the battery charging more balanced. A solar panel enables you to use cellular devices, laptops, and Gps trackers and allege connectivity. The solar carts help you decrease carbon footprint, because fossil fuels are not used.

Sales Tax

A Federal Tax reputation on 30% is available with the price when buying it. States, like Arizona and Florida, have no state sales tax. Solar-powered golf cart can help a lot in avoiding global warming.

Have Look At Golf Cart Accessories

Monday, May 30, 2011

Golf Humor: Crazy Golfers

Golf is a game that will make you crazy! Over the years I've met all kinds of crazy golfers-so crazy I decided to write them all down. Are you among these Crazy golfers?:

Crazy Golfers: I-Can't-Decide-On-A-Club Guy

Callaway Cart Bags

I-Can't-Decide-On-A-Club Guy quickly he pulls the five-iron out of his bag. Finding again at the yardage, he puts back the five-iron and pulls the four-iron.

After a combine of nice custom swings he settles in to his shot...looks at the flag...looks down.

He stands up, walks back to the bag. Might unquestionably need a hybrid, he decides. He walks back to the ball with his 3-hybrid.

He checks the wind by throwing grass in the air...settles in...stands up. Maybe it is a five-metal, he thinks. No, it's assuredly the hybrid.

He slashes down at the ball with the hybrid and shoots it over the green into a condo complex.

Crazy Golfers: Mr. Stand-In-the-Tee-Box-Too-Long

Mr. Stand-In-the-Tee-Box-Too-Long has hit his drive, watched it land in the trees, and continues to stand in place, talking to himself about what he did wrong on the shot.

You are standing behind waiting to hit. He is muttering and doing a slow appeal replay of his swing to see where it broke down while you cool your heels.

Crazy Golfers: Greenskeeper Guy

Golfers are charged with repairing their ball marks, the indentation the ball makes when it hits the green. Left untouched a ball mark becomes a brown scar. Some golfers are less than attentive to this duty.

Greenskeeper Guy has made it his personal mission in life to right this wrong. He will heal his ball mark and 47 more. As you reach to heal your own mark, suddenly he is there with his special tool, saying "I got it."

Crazy Golfers: Let-Me-Put-the-Flag-Back Guy

Let-Me-Put-the-Flag-Back Guy insists on putting the flag back on every hole. If you putt out and then pick up the flag to wait for the others to putt he will rush over to you and say, "I got it. Thanks."

This dude perplexes me. I don't know if he used to be a caddy, is anal-retentive, or likes to be super-helpful. Sometimes he'll grab the flag as you are inches away from putting it back yourself. "Don't worry about it! I got it!" he says as he snatches it away.

Crazy Golfers: Gotta-Find-My-Tee Guy

After hitting his drive, he begins the quest for his tee. However, the tee has decided to make itself scarce.

It must be made of gold and silver because Gotta-Find-My-Tee Guy is production ever broader quest circles trying to saving it.

Crazy Golfers: Mr. Rule Book

"Uh, you have to count that stroke," Mr. Rule Book tells you. "According to the amended Usga rulebook- Section 4, Paragraph 2, you may replace your ball within two club lengths no nearer the hole or a Democrat. Failure to do so is a one stroke penalty."

Crazy Golfers: Mr. Walk Ahead

He is the first to hit his drive. Rather than wait for every person to hit, Mr. Walk Ahead is off to the races, walking along the tree line to his ball. Later in the round you will start to hit an coming shot when you observation Mr. Walk Ahead is unquestionably up on the green.

He doesn't seem to be watching so you yell "Fore!" or "Heads Up!"

He waves impatiently as if to say, "go ahead and hit, I see you."

So you do just that, wondering why man in your own foursome is standing on the green when every person else is 150 yards out.

Crazy Golfers: Mr. Wait-Until-It-Is-My-Turn-To-Putt-to-Fix-Every-Blade-of-Grass-in-My-Line

He's the last to putt so he has had abundance of time to fix ball marks or stray pebbles in his line. But he waits until it is his turn to putt.

All of a sudden he is walking up and down the line, taking a observe of every blade of grass in the middle of his ball and the hole, leaning down to stab the green with his ball mark tool or to sweep the ground with his hand.

This goes on for 20 minutes while you recalculate your regular taxes in your head.

Crazy Golfers: frozen in Time Gal

Frozen in Time Gal has placed in to hit a shot. Soon she will hit the ball.

Any. Time. Now. There she goes. Nope. Still frozen. She's thinking. About something.

Here she goes. Nope. She still hasn't moved.

Maybe she died in her golf shoes and her body went into rigor mortis.

Wait. I saw a flicker of life. Now she's got it! Nope, false alarm. Just a waggle.

My mind is wandering now. I need to pick up milk on the way home.

Crazy Golfers: Mr. Hard on Himself

Mr. Hard on Himself loves to berate himself after every shot. He does this because he thinks that's how good golfers act.

He may hit a towering three-iron draw to 5 feet of the pin at which point you say, "Nice shot!"

He replies angrily, "Yeah but I left myself a downhill putt!"

Crazy Golfers: "Good-Shot! Nope!" Guy

This is a close cousin to "Good Shot!" Guy. In this case, as soon as you swing he says "Good Shot!" enthusiastically followed immediately by a condescending "Nope!" Occasionally he will vary it by saying "Good Shot! Nope, you didn't get it!"

Crazy Golfers: Mr. Most recent Equipment

This guy has the Most recent Callaway Big-As-Half-a-Loaf-of-Rye-Bread Bertha. He had the first metal woods on the market. He had the first graphite shafts. He had the first titanium.

He scours golf magazines Finding for articles like, "Will the New Kryptonite Shafts Help Your Game?" All day he must tell you what tool you should have, "You should get a Tight Lies. You would have hit a good shot there with a Tight Lies."

Crazy Golfers: Mr. Golf Joke

Mr. Golf Joke spends the whole round reeling off one joke after another.

His golf joke recall is amazing:
Fred got home from his Sunday round of golf later than general and very tired. "Bad day at the course?" his wife asked.

"Everything was going fine," he said. "Then Harry had a heart assault and died on the 10th tee."

"Oh, that's awful!"

"You're not kidding. For the whole back nine it was hit the ball, drag Harry, hit the ball, drag Harry.

He can go from a long, story type joke to a short one liner faster than a Nick Price swing:
I told my friend I got a set of Callaways for my wife and he said, "Nice Trade."

At first it is attractive but by the fifth hole you are ready for his show to be cancelled.

Crazy Golfers: Good Shot Guy

Many golfers will say "Good shot!" while a round. Good Shot Guy says it after every shot made by whatever on the course. They are so eager sometimes they will say it before you unquestionably hit the ball.

Crazy Golfers: Mr. Multi-Bet

Mr. Multi-Bet isn't happy unless there are 9 bets and games going on at the same time.

"Ok, Sam got a Sandie and Ben got a Greenie. Ben was Wolf on that one and also completed the Bingo Bango Bongo. Our side got the Nassau on the back and the 18.

I used up all my Criers and Whiners and missed the putt. Jimbo got two, count 'em, Two, Barkies which I've never seen. We did a duplicate private Probation Press and you guys countered with the Houston We Have A Problem.

All told, you owe us 7,000."

Crazy Golfers: Mr. Can't-Decide-Where-to-Tee-the-Ball

He leans over and tees up his ball. He stands behind the ball to start his pre-shot routine. Not satisfied with the where the ball is teed, he moves it to the other side of the tee-box and begins his disposition again. Still not happy, he moves the ball to the middle of the teeing area. You are so happy when he tees off that you don't see his ball sailing into the lake.

Crazy Golfers: Mr. Instructor

Mr. Instructor offers golf tips without whatever asking for them. He has every golf book, video and machine and is hell-bent on sharing this knowledge with every person he comes into perceive with (despite his 20 handicap).

Crazy Golfers: Mr. "Did You Watch My Ball?"

A close cousin of Mr. Did You See My Ball?, this guy enlists you as his personal caddy. He's not asking if you merely saw the shot, he is asking if you did your job and watched his shot every second and can point out exactly what tree he hit. Expect to be caddying all day, as he will do this on every shot.

Crazy Golfers: Gotta-Go Guy

Every time you turn colse to Gotta-Go Guy is answering the call of nature.

His bladder is smaller than a ball marker.

Crazy Golfers: Mr. Start-a-Story-at-the-Wrong-Time

This guy all the time starts a new story at the worst time. Your foursome is on the green putting. The group behind had been waiting all day.

As he leans over to putt Mr. Start A Story at The Wrong Time suddenly rises up and says, "I was in this tournament one time. Me and this other guy were tied going into the final hole. This other guy has a short putt to win it. He gets cocky and slaps it in with one hand as he faces the hole. My buddy says that is a two stroke penalty. The guys says no way. My buddy showed him the rulebook right there. He was right. And I won it."

Looking back you see steam advent out of the waiting foursome.

Crazy Golfers: Exact Yardage Guy

Exact Yardage Guy needs to know the strict yardage at all times.

"Is the pin at the front of the green or the back?"

"What does the yardage on that drain say?"

"Let me check my policy guide- it says it is 183 yards from this eucalyptus tree."

After tearing up some grass and throwing it in the air they say, "Looks like about a half club breeze." This wouldn't be so bad if he did it quickly but he evaluates every yard like he is planning a construction site.

Crazy Golfers: Giant-Visor Lady

Giant Visor Lady has a visor that is 43 times bigger than her head. It expands out from her forehead like an awning. I believe the idea is to keep the sun from ever hitting her face. You could keep the sun off half of Wyoming with that visor. Sometimes you get any Giant Visor Ladies in one foursome- when they get to the green they cannot move without cutting each other.

Crazy Golfers: Mr. Talk-Talk

The opposite of Quiet Guy, Mr. Talk-Talk can't shut up. His signature move: he keeps talking while the other three golfers in the foursome are teeing off-- he thinks he is lowering his voice but it in reality he has just brought it down to general speaking level. Most of the time his buddies are used to it and laugh it off or ignore him. The citizen putting on the green behind him are not so lucky.

Crazy Golfers: Quiet Guy

You'll forget he's even in your group. Quiet guy doesn't enter into conversation or make any sound at all. That has its benefits. But after three hours of perfect silence it starts to get creepy.

Crazy Golfers: Overbearing Husband Instructor Guy

Overbearing Husband Instructor Guy is out with his wife who is studying the game. Rather than spring for lessons he has named himself her pro. She seems rather quiet the whole time. All is low-key until she misses a putt on the fourth green.

"No, I said aim Here!" he yells, pointing at a brown spot surrounded by fifty other brown spots.

Later she chunks a three-wood which skitters 30 yards along the grass. He shoots transmit in the cart without her and stomps on the brakes near her ball. As she walks up he yells, "No! That's not what I showed you!"

Crazy Golfers: I-Can't-Remember-Golf-Jokes Guy

Unlike Mr. Golf Joke who remembers thousands of jokes, I-Can't-Remember-Golf-Jokes Guy starts jokes with aplomb but is soon lost.

"Tiger, Arnie and St. Peter are teeing off. Wait, I mean Tiger, Jack, and God are teeing off.....wait......"

Crazy Golfers: Mr. Real Men Play Blades

Blades are thin, knife-like golf clubs favored by better golfers. M

Mr. Real Men Play Blades looks down with disdain on anyone playing perimeter-weighted game-improvement clubs, which is to say 99% of golfers.

Crazy Golfers: Ben-Hogan-Superfan Guy

Ben Hogan Superfan Guy worships at the Church of Ben Hogan-- he has every book, video or filmstrip created by Mr. Hogan. He has a tattered 25-year-old paperback copy of 'Five Lessons: The contemporary Fundamentals of Golf' in his golf bag which he refers to in the middle of each shot.

He is using a set of Ben Hogan blades his dad bought for him in 1968 and he has used ever since. After the round is over he will sit on the golf consulation boards and pontificate about Hogan's private and the strict use of pronation.

Crazy Golfers: Mr. Blame the Course

As his game deteriorates over 18 holes he starts blaming the course.

"Don't they ever mow this rough?"

"What is the stimpmeter on this green? Zero?"

"This policy has gone to hell!"

"Is the greenskeeper on medication?"

Crazy Golfers: Mr. "I-Know-Where-Your-Ball-Went"

You shank a 3-iron to the right rough. "I saw it!" he says. "It just went over the cart-path!" Oddly, the ball is not there. It never is where he says it will be.

The false hope he builds up results in dissatisfaction every time.

"Wow! I was sure it would be right there!" he points at the ground.

Except that it's not.

Crazy Golfers: Mr. "I'll Find It"

Mr. I'll Find It spends 20 minutes Finding for a lost ball. These thrifty golfers originate a safari with tents and camping gear and push further and further into the underbrush. One of the adventurers cries out, "Eureka, we've found it, I see a Titleist at the lowest of that ravine!"

Crazy Golfers: Don't-Try-To-Be-Tiger-Woods Instructor Guy

This Instructor will admonish you "don't try to be like Tiger Woods. You can't be like Tiger Woods."

Later he puts your swing on video and asks you to huddle colse to the computer monitor. He has split the screen with your lumpy body on the left. On the right he has, that's right, Tiger Woods.

He proceeds to show you how you can "make your swing more like Tiger Woods."

Crazy Golfers: Over-The-Top Reaction Guy

Over-The-Top Reaction Guy lines up quietly for a putt. When it misses the hole he runs colse to the green production loud choking noises while laughing uncontrollably and Finding up at the sky with hands outstretched.

The ball has rolled six feet past the hole which leaves him still away. At first, the other golfers wait to see if he is going to return to the game.

Noticing that he is now dancing colse to the fringe flailing his arms and repeatedly yelling, "That's insane!," they conclude to putt out without him.

Crazy Golfers: Mr. I Coulda Been Somebody

"I was All-State my junior and senior year in high school," Mr. I Coulda Been Somebody tells you.

He assuredly has skills--you can see it in his swing--but he reminds you every 3 holes.

"I unquestionably beat Tiger Woods once when we were 9-year-olds. I was going to the show- until I broke my thumb senior year at Oklahoma State. Was never the same after that."

Crazy Golfers: "No Pressure" Guy

All day you will hear a color annotation of your game followed by the catchphrase "No pressure." Sometimes they are just trying to be funny, other times they are setting up the betting, or at times they are just being a dork.

You line up your putt. He says, "You've missed this putt all day but you need to make this one for your par. No pressure."

You step into a shot. "Looks like you are 150 yards out and you unquestionably need a cut shot here but you don't have that in your bag. No pressure."

You are in the rough in the trees. "Well you could go over the top but it's risky but going under the branches is worse. No pressure."

Crazy Golfers: "I'm usually better Than This" Guy

After chunking, chili-dipping and slicing into the trees all day, this golfer announces "I'm usually better than this."

This is sometimes followed by a healing excuse: "This sprained wrist is killing me."

Crazy Golfers: Plumb-Bob Guy

Plumb-Bob Guy evaluates a putt from every direction. First they stand behind the ball and plumb-bob their putter as if they are surveying new road construction.

They don't feel inescapable until they consult a U.S. Corps of Engineers topographic map they have spread out on a Black and Decker Workmate set up on the green.

Then they take a soil sample to conclude moisture content and grass variety. By this time you've sat in the fairway so long waiting for them to clear the green you get hungry so you build a fire and roast hot dogs.

Crazy Golfers: Ms. Alignment

Ms. Alignment is very involved with aligning every molecule of her body before beginning her swing. She stands next to the ball and presses the club over her shoulders as she looks toward the target.

Next she holds the club over her thighs and rechecks the target. Light is slipping away as she holds the club at arm's distance like a weight bar, checking that her feet and toes are aligned. Satisfied, she lashes at the ball and drives it straight into a house.

Crazy Golfers: Mr. Fashion

Mr. Fashion looks like he just stepped out of a Ralph Lauren golf magazine ad. God forbid it starts to rain. Mr. Fashion forgot to pack a brolly and now his cashmere argyle sweater is beginning to look like a wet cat walking home while a storm. I hope those purplish golf shoes are waterproof.

Crazy Golfers: Mr. "Is That My Ball?"

Mr. "Is That My Ball?" will enduringly walk up to your ball, which is clearly marked in 7 day-glow markers, and ask "Is that my ball?"

At least 6 times while the round he will stand over your ball ready to hit it until you say, "Uh, were you playing a ball with more graffiti on it than a school in the Bronx? I think that's my ball you are getting ready to slice into the lake."

Crazy Golfers: Mr. "Did You See My Ball?"

He can't see past his nose or he keeps his head down so long he never gets a bead on his shot. Whether way he enduringly asks if you saw where it went.

"Did You See My Ball?"

"Yes, I saw it hit the church tower and bounce into an open casket at a funeral. Good luck with that."

Crazy Golfers: Mr. No Putting Touch

Carefully he examines his 15 foot putt from 10 angles. Finally he pulls the trigger and blows the putt 12 feet past the hole. Lining up again he sends it 8 feet past.

This guy has hands like Hormel Hams and the sensitive touch of a hockey fight.

Crazy Golfers: Mr. What Flag?

Mr. What Flag? never, never, never puts the flag back in the hole. That's the kind of menial work best served by, say, whatever he happens to be playing with.

He might be standing right next to it and all has to do is bend down to pick it up. But no, it must be his poor eyesight because he never sees it. It is like it doesn't exist in his mind.

Crazy Golfers: Mr. Logos

With a huge brand name logos on his hat, shirt, shirt sleeve, belt, slacks and shoes, he looks like a Nascar driver who crashed into the pro shop!

Crazy Golfers: Mr. "Give-Me-a-Six"

On a par 4 you watch this golfer hit two shots Ob. Later he takes three shots to get out of a green-side trap, blades his chip back over the green again and then four-putts.

Heading back to the cart he calls out to his buddy, "Give me a six."

Golf Humor: Crazy Golfers

Sunday, May 29, 2011

The significance Golf Fitness Training

Many people forget that golf is a corporeal sport that requires training and conditioning. If you just go out golfing to be collective and have a good time, you will not be a good golfer. You might be good enough, but you will not get better. You have to work on your conditioning to come to be a best golfer. Here are some golf fitness training techniques.

Golf requires a lot of walking. If you are playing in a serious tournament, then you will not be able to be carried nearby in a cart. You will have to walk the 18 holes by yourself. Also, many people carry their own bag. These bags can be very heavy. If you want to work on your golf fitness training you need to do a few things.

Callaway Cart Bags

The easiest way to work on your training is to go out and go golfing. If you are establishment for a nine whole tournament, make sure that you go out and golf eighteen wholes. The more that you golf the less likely you will get fatigued when you are playing.

Another good way to train is to use a weighted club. These clubs will work on all of the small muscles that go into a allowable golf swing. These clubs will build your muscles so that you are more comfortable with your swing.

Many people take advantage of the fitness and conditioning that is required to play golf. But if you are not in the right health you will start getting fatigued after the front nine. This can lead to lazy strokes which can cause inaccuracy, and shorter shots. If you want to drop strokes from your score you should first look to conditioning. Many people buy aids, or take lessons, but the problem might be as straightforward as your fitness level.

The significance Golf Fitness Training

Saturday, May 28, 2011

What is the permissible Weight Distribution while the Golf Swing?

Golf is a sport that is enjoyed by many and it is also a sport which requires a superior number of skill in order to be played properly. Any golfer worth his salt has questions about how he or she can enhance their game, such as what is the proper weight distribution during the golf swing. This is one of the many intricate factors about golf, which is unmistakably a science if nothing else. If one factor is slightly off then your whole game could be ruined. Golf is all about the swing which has to do with your body and the weight you put on it, effecting your swing and therefore the extreme score.

The first and prominent thing to reconsider when swinging is to be relaxed. No matter what was on your mind former to swinging, you should allow yourself to become fully relaxed and lucid, in the moment. If you are not relaxed your body's muscles will tense and it will greatly impact how you swing the club. You should do your absolute best to keep this relaxed posture through out the swing every time. You want your weight evenly distributed among both your feet when you swing, production sure your feet are spread only as far as your shoulders. This isn't to say that there is one stance or posture that is universal for every golfer, you're encouraged to try stances of dissimilar proportion, wider, narrower, whatever works for you is what is good.

Callaway Cart Bags

The point is you must feel comfortable but also be in a position where you can hit the ball a far distance. Something about weight that not many population know in golf is that when you go up to swing the weight on your feet has to be inside both of your feet. Push your feet against each other, placing a inevitable number of pressure on them allowing you to gain the upper-hand in achieving a better swing and a better game in the end.

What is the permissible Weight Distribution while the Golf Swing?

Friday, May 27, 2011

Callaway 2011 Org 14X Cart Bag

Order Now!

Availibility : N/A

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Golf Club choice

One of the most leading choices a golfer can make is the selection of a golf club. Which club is the best?

My own personal selection is the one that has the best Long Island Iced Teas, short shorts on the female golf cart attendants and the oddest trophies on the wall of the club house.

Callaway Cart Bags

But either or not one chooses the five-iron or the lob wedge seems to be as leading as looking the cure for a weekend hangover for some of you, so here we go...

The Driver (also known as the one wood or flibberdegibbet)

Arguably, it can be said that the driver is the most leading club selection as morning meal is the most leading meal of the day. I mean a good healthy southern morning meal consists of grits with plenty of butter, home-made biscuits and white gravy, pork in some form or other and coffee picked by Juan Valdez that is strong enough to win back our Confederacy without a shot being fired.

So, choosing the literal, driver is simple...get the biggest, heaviest, more cholesterol-filled driver that money can buy and whack at it until you can get the ball 300 yards down the fairway.

Failing this, you should just hire a homeless guy to supervene you nearby the procedure and throw a ball out on the fairway at the proper spot.

The Three Wood (also known as the smaller woodie):

This club has an inferiority complex and should just be left alone in the golf bag to sulk.

The Irons (also known as the irons):

The irons are numbered from 1 to 9 and can be arranged in the golf bag to form underground numerical ciphers that can then be used to subtract strokes from your scorecard. They are pretty much interchangeable, since no one can nothing else but use them to hit anyone beneficial any meaningful distance.

The Pitching Wedge (also known as, you guessed it...the wedgie):

This club is used for snagging the under-shorts or opponents and causing them great humiliation and corporal pain in the nether regions of their respective golf knickers.

The Sand Wedge (also known as the Super Wedgie)

See the explanation above except add sand in the knickers...ouchie! It can also be used for removing snakes from sand traps.

And last but nothing else but not least,

The Putter (affectionately known as Carson's pool cue):

The putter is best known of the golf clubs. All the other golf clubs like to be seen with the gregarious putter. The putter can be alone in the golf bag and in mere minutes other clubs will jump into the bag just to be with this kindly club. Even the word "putter" sounds cute.

One thinks about a small motorboat as it putters nearby a golf procedure lake like the 97 year-old man who is in front of you putters nearby the green trying to sink his 47th putt. It makes me want to putt his putter where Yankees put their doodle.

So, actually, the putter can just go hang out with the lob wedge...which I have not even figured out is a legal club, yet.

Matter of fact, I usually Break my putter after I twenty-five putt the 18th hole while losing to my arch nemesis, Ralph Scrapple.

Yes! I break that putter and throw it to the ground in a fit of rising blood pressure that could make Mount Saint Helens look like a teenaged zit eruption.

So, this concludes our session on golf club selection...Now, where are those Long Island Iced Teas?

Golf Club choice

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Callaway Deluxe Cart Cooler

Order Now!

Availibility : N/A

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Callaway Golf Women's L.E. Cart Bag, Black

Sale Price : $199.99

Order Now!

Availibility : Usually ships in 24 hours

Monday, May 23, 2011

Exploring the Essence of Golf Bags

The game of golf enjoys a unique royal connotation of being a high ability acceptable game. The game features a high class rich essence to give the feeling of ability entertainment in the most superior manner. The game always demands immense precision in each and every aspect which is related with the game in some or the other manner.

When we mention of this game there are some very leading aspects that need to be taken favorable care of. These aspects are in terms of the golf accessories and equipments that faultless the essence of the game.

Callaway Cart Bags

If the idea is of conveniently carrying the curious courses then the best option to choose for is that of a stand golf bag or pencil golf bag. But for carrying an galvanic or hand-operated golf trolley in a favorable fashion the perfect option in all the ways is that of a cart golf bag or trolley golf bag.

The whole spectrum of the vast range of bags comprises of some of the very favorite varieties such as Callaway Golf, TaylorMade, Nike, Maxfli, Slazenger and Mizuno.

- Stand Bags: They yield the added convenience of collect warehouse and reduced weight.
- Cart Bags: Cart bags are designed specifically to be carried by a golf cart or trolley. This range encompasses great carrying flexibility straight through their unique design.
- Carry Bags and Pencil Bags: Carry bags, more popularly known as pencil bags, are meant for occasions when there is no need of a full set of clubs.
- The Lightweight Golf Bag: These are improvised stand bags that are designed to be lightweight and flexible so that they can be carried certainly for the faultless round.
- Callaway Bags: Callaway bags are fabulous compound of functionality and performance.
- Maxfli Bags: Maxfli provides for the more allinclusive and affordable option of golf bags that includes cart bags and stand bags.
- Nike Bags: Nike is the very biggest name in world sport. Lightweight bags from Nike are very light and furnish the player with great reserve and flexibility when carrying the bag nearby the course.

Some leading considerations

o When shopping for a golf bag one should give due significance to the warehouse options.
o To collect personal belongings in the car or carry them in your pocket, take a golf bag with collect pockets or sections that can be used to furnish good safety for your items.
o Some golf bags also yield a clothes warehouse compartment that enables singular as well as manifold warehouse facility.
o A golf bag must protect clubs and other items adequately.
o Club compartments and lined sections furnish greater safety for your most prized possessions along with development the club option quicker and easier.
o It is always more favorable to have the installation of Lined putter as they give the putter head even more protection.

Exploring the Essence of Golf Bags

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Kawasaki Golf Cart

Kawasaki golf cart is someone else motorized golf cart offered by this preponderant brand. Actually, it is believed that only the rich citizen could afford to buy this mode of transportation. But in anyway, if you have the money and you like to have one, then you should buy now. There are a number of good deals for this golf carts that you can find in the shop or in the internet. These carts are ordinarily used in golf courses which look like a minute bumper car track roaming colse to main golf courses in the land. This maybe one of the reasons that golf is beloved and easy to play game is because of these carts. These golf cards are good for, shall we say, angry and quite lazy citizen who want to get any where in a hurry, and who does not like much to walk. Anyway, golf cards significantly enhanced the popularity of the golf game.

There are two uses of a Kawasaki golf cart. One is that you can use it during your golf games. You can whether rent or bring your own cart that is if you buy one for yourself. If you are a frequent golfer, it is wise to buy the cart than rent. Other citizen prefer to rent a cart and return it back after the game. But for those who have adequate money, buying is a good option. You can buy new or use carts, it depends on you. Getting your own golf cart is good because whenever you feel the urge to play a golf game, you have something to use for yourself. If you are an environmentally known person, there are carts that also suit this consciousness and advocacy.

Callaway Cart Bags

The Kawasaki Golf Car business has a perfect the Kawasaki golf cart since 1984. If you feel that it is a great time to have a new game and improve your last games scores then the golf cart from Kawasaki is a good partner. Buying your own cart may cost you a lot at first but if you play golf a lot then all the cost is worth it plus the fact that you will never again worry about renting.

The Kawasaki golf cart positively is a very beneficial piece of tool for golfers, newbies or those frequent players. A lot of golf tournaments and golfing events in the United States had seen the usefulness of this cart. Also, even if you are weak or are positively get tired, you can use the cart and play the game as you like. Therefore, spending on a golf cart of your choice, if it has a good purpose is well worth it.

Kawasaki Golf Cart

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Callaway Org.14 Xtreme Cart Bag

Order Now!

Availibility : N/A

Friday, May 20, 2011

Callaway Rider Cart Bags

Order Now!

Availibility : N/A

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Burton Golf Bags: Golf Bags That Swing

Since 1907, Burton Golf bags have been synonymous with supreme potential and masterful craftsmanship. You can all the time be sure that every bag that you buy is made of the finest materials that only this enterprise can offer. The company's adherence to potential and excellence is the key to the success of varied bag models throughout the years. In fact, you cannot talk about golf without mentioning the superb potential of Burton Golf bags.

Apart from its word class reputation in bag production, Burton Golf has also been known for its innovation in design. Every singular bag is crafted with unparalleled dedication and passion. The manufacturers make sure that every information is covered with precision. And that is not all. It is the only enterprise that offers an excellent lifetime warranty for their bags. This means that you can expect the best customer service and maintenance for your golfing equipment.

Callaway Cart Bags

The enterprise provides customers with the broadest options for golf bags. In fact, they offer the widest array of products consisting of cart bags, ladies collection, luxurious leather cart bags, light-weight stand and many more. The goal of the enterprise is to furnish bags that would suit varied tastes and preferences. Their custom bags make the competition pale in comparison.

What attracts many golf-enthusiasts to their bags is their uncanny potential to furnish bags that consolidate elegance and durability. A typical Burton Golf bag is not only an eye candy but it also provides toughness that can withstand wear and tear for the longest time possible.

Burton Golf Bags: Golf Bags That Swing

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Personalize Your Golf Club Cart To Show Off Your Own Style

A club cart for your golfing needs doesn't have to be the boring colors and organize of the company that made it; you can give your club cart body that personal touch with just a bit of extra work and money and give it a personality to match your own. There are a number of ways to make your club cart your own; it's all a matter of what you want to spend and what you want to do for your cart.

Make it Weather Friendly

Callaway Cart Bags

You can make your cart weather amiable through a number of ways. There is rain gear to safe your clubs from the water, wind shields so that you can direct air flow to go through the bags without harming anyone and other enclosures to safe your clubs and your bag from weather related damage. You can also get lights affixed to your cart in case of dim conditions and get fender flares to safe your cart against flying mud. True golf enthusiasts are not going to care about the weather, so make sure that your cart can keep up with you!

Protect Your Cart

Although some golf carts will only be used on pristine golf courses, there are many courses that have gravel paths and a heavy occasion of things like mud, dents, scratches and dings ending up on your golf cart. If you want to make sure to cut down on the damage, you can use things like fender flares to safe against flying mud. You can also setup rocker panels to safe your cart from shifting and engaging too much when you are going in and out. There are also Nerf bars that let you get into your cart easier and with more style. Weather gear can also safe your cart from damage from the elements

Color it Brightly!

Of course the easiest and most base way to customize your club car is to paint it and do up the panels and bars to match. You can do a basic respray to recolor your cart from the beige or pale green that the cart typically comes with or you can do more justify things. Some carts can be seen with things like flames, pearls, and other tattooing to make the cart truly personal to the man riding them. With this customization, there are fullness of ways to turn a boring cart into something you can be absolutely proud of.

Keep in mind though that while you can personalize your cart, you should make sure that you have the cash to do so because customization can cost upwards of a integrate thousand dollars and you don't want to keep doing things like repainting and adding things, so be sure of what you want before you start working on it.

There is no guess to stick with the cart you purchased for yourself. There are many ways to give your club cart body that personal touch that tells every person what kind of man you are. You can do anyone from make the cart more weather ready, safe it from rough conditions and of course color it in anyone designs and shades you please. When you personalize your golf club cart, you can truly call your golfing equipment your own and having something that many other citizen will envy.

Personalize Your Golf Club Cart To Show Off Your Own Style

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Samsonite Golf Trunk Organizer

Sale Price : $39.99

Order Now!

Availibility : Usually ships in 24 hours

Monday, May 16, 2011

Golf Bags and Accessories For The Walking Golfer

Golf bags are a necessity on the golf course. Without them players would struggle from hole to hole trying to carry their clubs and other golf accessories. It would take them all day to discontinue the policy and it wouldn't be much fun. Before any golfer tees off, they need to make sure they've brought along the necessary golf accessories to play a good round. Some golfers go for the basics while others go for luxury. Anything their personal preference, it's what's in the bag that counts.
Golf bags are the number one 'must have' accessory. The shop is full of golf bags from those that are ultra-light to lightweight, stand bags, cart bags and those that offer a bit more luxury. Try not to be overwhelmed when choosing a golf bag.
For golfers who will be walking the policy an ultra-light or light weight bag is the best option. Lugging nearby clubs and other accessories can be tiring. Golf bags come with the choice of one or two straps. The double strapped golf bag spreads out the weight over the golfer's back making carrying a heavy bag a bit easier and more comfortable.
Handles made for carrying and hip pads made for comfort are strategically placed on the bags. an additional one choice for the walking golfer is to pick a bag with rollers on the bottom. Rollers make it much easier to pull the bag nearby the policy and most can be used over separate turfs and wet ground.
Stand bags do exactly what their name implies. Golfers using a stand bag no longer have to lay their golf bags on the ground where they may get in the way. The stands are sturdy enough to hold the weight of the bag and its contents. Each stand bag comes with a weight limit so the golfer knows not to over pack.
Golf gloves are an additional one accessory that most golfers can not live without. Sense of touch is an prominent part in swinging the golf club and can enhance the golfer's game. The most prominent detail in any golf glove is its fit.  Golfers should try on multiple pairs before choosing a glove. Those who use only one glove need to make sure they are fitting the glove to the literal, hand. Left handed golfers need a glove for the right hand and vice versa for right handed golfers.
Golf tees are also an prominent accessory in any golf bag. Tees allow the player to 'tee off' at the starting of each hole with the ball slightly elevated off the ground. Tees come in separate sizes - some longer, some shorter. choosing the size of the golf tee comes down to the personal preference of the golfer.

Callaway Cart Bags

Golf Bags and Accessories For The Walking Golfer

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Callaway Women's Limited Edition Cart Bag, Black/Brown

Sale Price : $199.99

Order Now!

Availibility : Usually ships in 24 hours

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Teeing off at Tournaments With Golf tour Bags

"Fore", "par for the course", "a hole in one", "golf travel bags", and "Tiger Woods" -- well-known terms connected with the well-known sport of golf. We all know the rules: grip a golf club with both your hands, swing the club hard, hit the golf ball such that it whooshes through the air and falls into the hole beside the flag. Sounds quite simple, does it not?

Of course, you assuredly don't need me to tell you that it is not as easy as it is made out to be. Sure, you probably won't end up getting bruises unless you use your club as a weapon, but will you manage to get that elusive "hole in one" with your very first swing? The probability is very low. There is a science and an art to every swing that a pro golfer makes. Not every person is born a Tiger Woods, but every person can learn the basics of the game at least.

Callaway Cart Bags

So, how does one start? Well, first, you need to go get some equipment. Golf clubs, golf balls, either a book on beginner's golf or a coach, and a golf procedure where you can get sufficient institution at swinging the club and hitting the ball, as opposed to missing it. Also, a golf travel bag might come in handy, especially if you witness that you have the possible of a pro golfer. After all, every pro has to travel to the varied tournaments. If you have invested good money in equipment, you need to ensure that they travel safely and reach the destination as good as new. As you find a footing in this non-violent gentleman's sport and prove to every person that you are good at it, you will assuredly be off to new destinations with a golf travel bag in tow.

Why is there no definite travel bag for soccer or football though? Why do golfers get such advantages? maybe it is because, even while playing, golfers do not indulge in roughshod behavior with their clubs. A good golf club is forever, and can make the contrast between winning or losing a tournament. A good golfer takes good care of his equipment, and as such has advanced the quintessential golf travel bag.

Of course, buying good equipment, and getting hold of a decent golf travel bag is essential, but if you do not possess the instinct and drive of a golfer, those "I-am-turning-pro-tomorrow" dreams can never come true. As with all things, a minute talent is far more important than the material tools you possess.

Teeing off at Tournaments With Golf tour Bags

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Callaway RAZR Staff Bag

Order Now!

Availibility : N/A

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Motorized Golf Carts - A Brief User's hand-operated

The two types of motorized golf carts are: (a) the Push/Pull cart - the golf bag is fastened with a strap; and (b) small motor-car style - can be driven along the course.

The car-style motorized golf carts were first used during the 1940s by people who have disabilities. They used the carts to drive along the golf course. However, even if these golf carts were originally designed to help people who are physically challenged, the vehicle is now being enjoyed by most golfers.

Callaway Cart Bags

Some motorized golf carts are powered by electricity. The others are powered by gasoline. The mean speed of a golf cart plays along the lines of 15 and 20 Mph. You may find some carts having just 2 seats, but others have up to 6 seats to be able to transport an entire flight from one part of the procedure to other during matches.

You should be aware of the security measures and rules when using the gasoline and electric-powered motorized golf carts:

- all the time abide by the rules set by your golf club every time you use them.

- Even if there are no rules with regard to your use of golf carts, have the base sense to think driving, parking, and loading Sops. You should not just drive them wherever you please, park them wherever it suits you or overload them.

- You should all the time use the brakes properly

- Just as we search for in driving our cars or any other vehicle for that matter... Do Not Drink And Drive!

Push/Pull carts are also subject to determined rules at the golf club. An example of this would be being right when dragging our cart at the turf. You do not want the wheels of the cart to leave marks on the grass since this may cause important damage to the turf.

Motorized golf carts [http://www.golfclubscarts.com/Articles/Golf_Carts_Parts.php] are battery-operated. They are created by dissimilar dealers and you can find them in many stores on the Internet. A shop where you can find whatever about carts is Kaddy Karts placed in California.

This shop houses dissimilar kinds of carts together with the RoboKaddy whose tagline is "no other cart has the quality to go in reverse." If you find motorized golf carts very interesting, you can check facts and details about them on the Internet. I am sure it will give you many links to websites about the dissimilar kinds of golf carts and will allow you to pick the right one that matches you and your style.

Motorized Golf Carts - A Brief User's hand-operated

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Golf Bags - Your Most important Part of Your Golf Ensemble

Golf bags are ready in assorted types & colors and sometimes come with golf balls, imprinted tees, insulated water bottle holders & velor lined pockets. They are also ready with air mesh top, integrated kick stand, towel rings & rain hoods.

Golf bags are nylon or leather and are cylindrically constructed around a plastic frame and are ready on the Internet. These bags are generally in case,granted with a few partitions comprising straps over the opportunity or mouth of the bag for separating the "woods" from the "irons" and the putter.

Callaway Cart Bags

Golf stand bags have built-in legs that allow them to stand on the ground while you tee up. These bags have some pockets designed for carrying assorted equipment and supplies required over the procedure of a round of golf. They can be carried, pulled on a two-wheel pull cart or harnessed to a motorized golf cart during play. As far as other equipment goes: Golf club designers are constructing golf clubs, especially metal wood golf clubs, with space-age materials, such as aircraft-grade aluminum, titanium, carbon fiber composites, metal alloys, and the like to increase the carrying out of the golf club and make it easier for the mean golfer to hit. Golf equipment encompasses the assorted items that are used to play the sport of golf. Golfers also often wear gloves that help grip the club and preclude blistering.

Bags for golfers can range from inexpensive (relatively speaking) to custom golf bags that can get up to one thousand dollars. Bags include side zip entrance, front zip pockets, adjustable & movable straps & six cans holding capacity with ice. Bags are stored vertically to safe them from dirt and eliminate crushing that might cause damage.

Club Glove cart golf bags are some of the best built, most durable cart bags on the market. Club glove cart bags are very simple in nature, but can be at the higher end of the price range. This brand of bag is known for its club glove collegiate stand golf bag bags.

Cart bags are designed to fit categorically on a golf cart and are targeted to the golfer who typically uses a riding cart or a pull or push cart on the course. These bags include more features than stand bags, together with insulted pockets, valuables pockets, up to 14-way divider systems and external putter wells. Cart bags are, as the name might suggest, bags to be used with a golf cart.

Stand bags are lightweight for those golfers who walk the procedure and are targeted to the golfer who carries his clubs. Stand or carry bags are designed to be carried manually around the course, so are lighter than the cart equivalents. They are exquisite for the walking golfer who likes to carry their bag but they are also very versatile and can be put on a cart.

Travel bags are plainly designed to safe your clubs during transport. If you plan on traveling a lot, make sure you get a golf bag with a voyage hood. These voyage golf bags would allow you to check your bag onto the plane.

Golf bags are an essential accessory in that they hold and safe your clubs, shoes, tees, balls, and other accessories. These bags are foremost to anyone's golf hobby and are the most admired or at least the most eyed part of your golf ensemble.

Golf Bags - Your Most important Part of Your Golf Ensemble

Sunday, May 8, 2011

What is in Tiger's Bag?

As the golf season gets back in to full swing and the Pga Tour sees the return of Tiger Woods to the winners circle after an enforced eight month layoff the query is asked time and again "What is in Tiger's bag?"

For all of his expert work dating back almost thirteen years Tiger Woods has been signed to Nike on a mega millions endorsement deal which entitles them to decide what clubs go in Tiger's bag. The only exception allowed is the putter where Tiger retained that choice for himself eventually settling on the Titleist produced Scotty Cameron Newport 2 putter. This is probably the club with which Tiger has come to be synonymous, countless times it has been waved in the air as an additional one monster putt drops in to the hole.

Callaway Cart Bags

There is much more research going in to the clubs that are in Tigers bag. The golfer works tirelessly with the Nike research and amelioration team to produce a set of clubs that match his needs exactly.

Upon his return this season Tiger has switched to Nike's new Sq Dymo Driver, Nike's Victory Red irons, and the Nike One Tour ball. Nike has taken the Moi (moment of inertia) ideas to much greater detail and can vary each club head to match the doing characteristics of any player. Every loft has a different shape, Power Bow town of gravity placement, face angle and height. The new Sq Dymo driver first became ready to the general social just last month and has seen brisk sales since it's launch.

The characteristics of the Victory Red irons highlight a more original muscle back construct that is conducive to workability, shot shaping and extreme ball control. The construct requirements of these clubs were as dictated by Woods himself. In testing he was said to be delighted with the potential to shape shots both ways, turn his trajectory all which he believes will allow him to hit the ball closer to the hole with greater frequency.

Another new expanding in Tigers bag for 2009 is the new Nike One Tour ball. amelioration of this ball has supplementary reduced driver spin and optimized the flight trajectory thus improving unabridged length performance.

The 2009 Pga Tour promises to be an additional one stellar year for the World's amount 1 golfer a position he has maintained despite being absent from the tour since the Us Open in June of last year. The tour's status without fail suffered from the absence of their amount one crowd pleaser, an absence which also had an consequent on Tv viewing figures and in general the unabridged appeal of the Pga tournaments was severely diminished due to Woods injury. It brings in to perspective the attempt needed for him to carry off the 2008 Us Open title while suffering from such a debilitating injury.

The return of Woods in obviously stronger corporal shape that we have ever seen him before. Hopefully Nike have engineered the tools in Tigers bag with the same diligence and craftsmanship as they have in the past. Looking forward to an additional one Tiger year.

What is in Tiger's Bag?

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Mizuno Golf Bags - A communicate

Mizuno golf bags span a huge range from the World Model Tour 10' to the Weekender mini stand bag which is ideal for travel.

World Model Tour 10'

Callaway Cart Bags

This is a tour pro standard bag which looks amazing and comes in the well known blue and white colors synonymous with Mizuno.

Tour Cart

This also only comes in the blue and white colors and is ideal for trolleys as it is basically the Tour bag remodelled for the trolleys and carts that the weekend golfer uses.


The Aerolite bag is a very light bag which is also ideal for trolleys and stands and comes in a range of colors. It also has a dual shoulder strap and the patented Kabuki organizer top cuff.


The Twister is a carry bag which has been adapted for trolley use so it combines the best of both worlds. It has a sturdy base for quick issue of the stand and also the dual shoulder strap. It too comes in  a option of colors. The large wraparound pocket can be removed which makes it an ideal carry bag in the summer time.

Scratch Sac

Cleverly titled bag ideal for low handicappers who like to carry their clubs on their back. This is an incredibly light bag which still carries 14 clubs in an unstructured fashion.


This is a light stand bag which is ideal for travelling..it is one of the mini stand bags which have come to be increasingly popular.

There are about 8 other types of Mizuno Golf bags which I have not covered in this article but I think you will see that there is a bag for every taste and ability.

Mizuno Golf Bags - A communicate

Friday, May 6, 2011

Using a Bag Boy Nxo fancy Cart Bag Will Make Your Life Easier

When it comes to features and advantages the Bag Boy Nxo fancy Cart Bag cannot be beat. This bag has surely kept a golfer's needs in mind with its design.

First created and artificial in 1945 by Bruce Williams in Portland, Oregon. The Bag Boy Corporation was founded shortly after that in 1946. They have built a stellar prestige for originate and function for all the products they offer.

Callaway Cart Bags

This bag offers some state of the art features. One highlight is the shoulder strap. They have used a, patent pending, system called the Tuck-a-way. When you are not using the strap you can hide it. It is also reversible for more relieve while carrying it.

You also get favorable warehouse with 12 functional pockets. This allows you to carry any gear you may need to have with you. Being out on the procedure and realizing you don't have your rain gear with you is not a pleasant realization, but with this many pockets that won't happen.

To prevent twisting they have also added a strap loc system that surely gives you a gain fit either you will be riding in cart or walking.

Some of the other highlighted features are, the molded deal with is Hi-tech, production it easier to grip and lift, there by reducing back strain. The upper ball pocket is much larger than most. There are two putter sleeves for your convenience. A rain cover is also included.

It also has an insulated, leak proof cooler bag. It has a deal with and is completely removable. The cooler will hold up to 12 cans and will keep them cool for hours.

The most thing about the Bag Boy Nxo fancy Cart Bag is their advanced technology they use with the Grip-Lok system. This completely organizes your clubs. It will keep each of your clubs separated. This keeps them from banging nearby and nicking each other. This technology is so good that you can completely turn it upside down and your clubs won't fall out.

They are available in six great color combinations: black & royal blue, black and copper, black and silver, navy blue and khaki, navy blue and pacific blue and pure black. The originate offers a proper one-year warranty that guarantees the product against any manufacturing defects. The price range may vary, but if you shop nearby you can find the Bag Boy Nxo fancy Cart Bag for in the middle of 9.99 and 0.00.

Using a Bag Boy Nxo fancy Cart Bag Will Make Your Life Easier

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Golf Carts - An overview

Electric golf carts arrived at the first courses to use them in 1951. Merle Williams from Reading, California produced the first galvanic golf carts using knowledge he attained from galvanic cars produced during the World War Two gasoline rationing period. In 1954 E-Z-Go and Lektro began output and in 1955 Cushman began production. Harley Davidson even started development golf carts in 1963. Gas golf carts came upon the scene in 1971 and immediately became a huge hit. Currently you will see both gas and galvanic carts at most golf courses.

A accepted golf cart is set up to carry two golfers and two golf bags on a platform at the rear of the cart. Most carts have a roof and front windshield. If you are into cold weather golf you can find carts with enclosures. The enclosures are usually made of flexible heavy duty plastic and have a door with a window on each side that closes snugly with velcro. The last few years propane gas "cart heaters" have also been available. I can tell you from feel that they yield a lot of heat. You can ride down the cart path when it's frozen face and inside the cart it will be toasty warm. They come with a small propane tank attached that fits in the cup owner in the golf cart. an additional one nice add-on is a convertible bag cover attached to the rear of the golf cart's roof. It is easy to quickly put it up or down, and will keep the rain off the clubs and features a clear vinyl window. an additional one nice feature ready at some golf courses is the Gps system, which will tell you how far it is in yards to the pin.

Callaway Cart Bags

There are also options ready like the cargo box which is mounted to the cart in the rear, turning the cart into a utility vehicle. The cargo boxes are usually about 2 1/2 feet wide and from three to four feet long. They are great for golf course maintenance, or around the homestead. an additional one option is a rear facing seat which then turns the golf cart into a small vehicle which seats three passengers and the driver. These are usually utilized for hotel or large motel guest transportation. Who can forget the pink golf cart used in the television series "Fantasy Island"?

The last branch I want to touch on is the monster cart. usually monster carts are brightly and decoratively painted, and have any estimate of option add-ons like raiser kits, which bring the height of the cart up, race wheel kits and large tires, lights front and rear, horns, a estimate of front and/or rear bumper configurations, and institution bodies and interiors are effortlessly available.

Golf Carts - An overview

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

selecting the Right equipment - Ladies special

When choosing their equipment, women golfers have largely the same considerations to think about as men. Just as for men, we would recommend beginning with a club pack as your first set, with a mixture of driver, fairway woods, hybrids to replace the long irons, irons from 5-Sw and a putter. Most new golfers find that they rely on their 7-iron and pitching wedge at first, slowly gaining familiarity with the other clubs. Equally the same as for men, we would recommend cheaper cavity back, cast head on your clubs, as the more refined forged blades are authentically for the best player. And we'd recommend a set of two or three wedges, to play all the chip shots, and probably a mallet putter as these are easiest to align, and weighted to help you perform a square, balanced stroke.

Women's shafts are crucial to help you play your best

Callaway Cart Bags

However, for the women's game, there are special options to consider. The shaft is the axle of the club, so the best the shaft, the best the club. As your game improves, it is very much worth considering investing in decent ladies' clubs, with ladies' flex.

Ladies' flex

Flex has a major result on the feel of the club, and also makes a divergence to the distance you will achieve. Most women struggle to authentically power down on the ball - when hitting a driver, they tend to perform a swing speed of less than 60mph. This would give a carry distance of under 180 yards. If you use a driver with a ladies' flex, then you will be maximising the carry of the ball, whereas if you tried to hit a driver with a stiff shaft, designed for swing speeds of over 80mph, you would probably find it difficult to perform the momentum you desire.

Ladies' loft

Loft angle has a major result on distance off the tee, and ordinarily the slower your swing speed, the higher loft you should choose, to authentically get the ball airborne so it can tour further. You should be finding at lofts of 13-15 degrees in a driver.

Graphite shafts

To help perform a faster swing speed, women are also more likely to do well with graphite shafts in their woods, as these are more flexible and lighter than steel. You may also think them for your irons, as you will probably find them easier to swing.

Get the distance right

In terms of length, it is worth getting measured to make sure your clubs are right for your height. If they are too long, you will find your whole set-up is out of kilter and you are probably development lots of mis-hits. Do it yourself by taking a wrist-to-floor estimation from the crease of your left hand (for right-handed players) down to your feet and then development a straightforward calculation. For example, if you are in the middle of 5'4" and 5'7" in height, but your wrist-to-floor estimation is in the middle of 33 and 34", then you will need shafts which are a quarter to half an inch shorter than standard. If however your wrist to floor estimation is 36 to 37 inches, you will need clubs half an inch longer.

Callaway and Ping both supply excellent ranges of clubs for women, with their Big Bertha ladies ranges (Callaway) and G5L (Ping). Wilson also has a expansive women's range, with their L6 series of irons, hybrids, woods and more.

Choose the right golf balls

For women as much as men balls can make a big divergence to your game, the more involved multi-layer constructions will supply more feel and control, whilst the straightforward two-layer offerings will give you the distance you need before you start to think about finesse. But for women, balls such as the Srixon Soft Feel for Ladies (pic) are designed to give a higher begin trajectory for greater widespread distance, performing best in tandem with women's slower swing speeds. They should also supply excellent feel around the greens.

Choosing the right golf shoes

There two separate types are recommended for both men and women - a heavier-duty winter pair and a lighter summer one which allows the feet to breathe. For women, of course, style is all important, so why not think something like FootJoy AquaLites which offer women golfers ultra-lightweight ease with added stability. This performance waterproof golf shoe comes in a selection of styles, at affordable prices. Meanwhile, Hi-Tec has now brought out several shoes incorporating their excellent Cdt (custom directional tracking) technology for women, for unbeatable stability.

Choosing the right golf bag

For women just as for men, golf bags have enjoyed a high-tech makeover in up-to-date years with everything from lightweight parachute materials and graphite-friendly tops to 'club management systems' and movable phone pockets revolutionizing the market. 2007 will see the bag scientists pushing the boundaries further, with ergonomic handles, adjustable dividers, justify trolley-fixing mechanisms, ingenious shoulder harnesses and more.

But for all that, your main options when choosing a bag are a sturdy cart bag (some are specifically designed for buggies, so be sure to check), a stand bag convenient for trolley or carrying; or the new generation of lightweight 'pencil' carry models for a quick nine holes. And when it comes to women's bags, the idea is to make them as light-weight and easy to cope as possible, as well as colour-coordinated to go with the rest of your equipment. Sun Mountain, Wilson and Yonex all have excellent women's bag ranges available.

Finally of procedure when it comes to clothing you want to look your best, and these days there are golf clothes that perform, holding you cool in hot weather and dry in wet, without development you look like you've been stranded in the 70s! All prominent manufacturers supply women's options, from straightforward golf tops through to waterproofs, and there are even gloves, such as the Wilson Staff Grip Soft, which are designed for the shape of women's hands.

selecting the Right equipment - Ladies special

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Vintage Golf Bags - A Great Gift Idea For Golf Lovers

Vintage golf bags are gaining rapid popularity all around the world because they easily help you in making a style statement in front of your friends and competitors. The satchel helps you in carrying all your golf gear whenever you play the game. Distinct compartments and sections are provided which you can use for storing Distinct items. These days vintage bags are comfortably ready in the market and you can buy them according to the equipments you have. Bags can also be purchased in Distinct colors, materials, shapes and sizes.

Vintage golf bags would easily help in highlighting your personality while you are playing this game. Below stated are some important points that you must consider before gifting this item to your friends and relatives.

Callaway Cart Bags

1. Material of the bag
If you are purchasing the vintage bag for gifting it then you must consider purchasing the one that is made of high quality material. Leather is a very good choice that you can consider. This material is strong, durable and maintenance free and it would easily be good gifting item for golf lovers. If you are reasoning of gifting golf cart or stand bags then you must consider nylon as the material. With the help of this material manufacturers commonly make bags which are light weight and highly easy to carry around.

2. Type of the vintage bags
Vintage bag is ready in myriads of Distinct designs and colors that you can buy comfortably according to your likes and dislikes. Some of the options that you have are carry bag, tour satchel, cart cases and standing bags. Before you buy a single bag you must always keep the estimate of equipments you have and your funds in mind. If you have a golf cart then you can comfortably go in for the cart bag and if you have a caddy then the tour bag would be best for you.

3. Distinct compartments
As you need to store assorted accessories and golf gear, you must make sure that the bag you buy has assorted Distinct compartments and sections. This would help you to organizing your accessories in a highly favorable manner. Some vintage bags come with complicated pockets as well as an additional pocket where you can store your water bottle.

So, if you are reasoning of gifting your friend or relative a vintage golf bag, then above stated are some very important points that you must easily keep in mind.

Vintage Golf Bags - A Great Gift Idea For Golf Lovers

Monday, May 2, 2011

Some Tips For Buying Club Car Golf Cart Accessories

If you are the owner of a golfing cart by Club Car, you may be surprised by the diverse options which are accessible to you. As an moving point, there are a needful number of distinct types of Club Car golfing cart accessories that may truly boost the cart that you already have. Even if you're happy with the performance of the cart, adding one or two of these accessories can truly make a contribution in how snug it is and how much you're going to like using it. This is accurate irrespective of whether you are out on the procedure or if you're merely driving nearby the neighborhood.

When it comes to comfort, some of the most well liked Club Car golf cart accessories heighten the interior of the cart and the seats. Varied sports packs are available which can also make the seats more comfortable. This is vital if you have a tendency to spend a large number of time in the golfing cart or if you would like to supply something that's a little over the top for those citizen who apply them. Together with that, you can get a hinged windshield which is an excellent option for allowing a touch more air flow in positive situations. The majority of citizen like this feature when they live in hot weather climates and they need to keep their golfers cool.

Callaway Cart Bags

Another one of the Club Car golf cart accessories that is ordinarily available comes in the form of Varied light kits you can add to the cart. For example, a running light or headlight kit can truly convert a general golfing cart into something that is ready for use at night. They can also have turn signals, and though this will not be something that you use in every circumstance, it's a rather unique accessory that you may want to think about purchasing.

Naturally Club Car golf cart accessories are also available for lots of the utility automobiles you can buy from this company. As an example, if you own one of the utility cars which has a bed in the back, you can buy a brilliant plate bed cover in order to make it tougher. This can unmistakably make a difference, particularly if you tend to use this feature regularly. It's also possible to convert from bucket to bench seats and back again, depending on your wishes.

If you use your car in an agricultural setting, there are also some Club Car golfing car accessories that you can select from too. An attachable agricultural sprayer is one of these and this may make it very handy for you to move diverse chemicals from one area of your property to another. Owners of medium sized or large sized properties will see this as a somewhat unique feature.

Have a look at a few of the accessories which are available through the Club Car website. You may probably be stunned to find that there's something that can help you to trick out your golf acr and to make it rather more serviceable.

Some Tips For Buying Club Car Golf Cart Accessories

Sunday, May 1, 2011

present of Sun Mountain Zero-G Golf Carry Bag

Golf Carry Bag Reviews: Sun Mountain Zero-G

Overall Rating
Score: 94
Grade: A

Callaway Cart Bags

The Sun Mountain Zero-G takes top honors in our bag test due to its perfect all-around carrying out and the clever innovation of its belt strap. Sun Mountain has been toying around with ways to distribute the weight of the bag to the user's hips and legs, instead of the shoulders and lower back, and with the Zero-G, they've ultimately gotten it right. Comfortable, easy to use, what's not to like? Oh yeah, the steep price point. It may not be worth it to a limber 15-year old, but our middle-aged backs were more than willing to shuck out the extra cash. The further amount you pay to Sun Mountain is a lot less than you'd otherwise have to pay to your massage therapist and your chiropractor...

Retail price: 9.99

Club Storage
Score: 91
Grade: A-

The Sun Mountain Zero-G has a 6-way top that splits the club area into 6 sectors, but only two dividers run the distance of the bag, so there are essentially 3 main club storehouse areas. The 6-way top divides each of those areas in two. We didn't have much of a qoute with tiny amount of full-length dividers, although once in a blue moon, your clubs will get tangled (particularly if your grips are sticky).

Score: 95
Grade: A

We'll just repeat what we said about the legs on the Sun Mountain Superlight 3.5, since the Zero-G seems to have the same ones. Great legs! These are Stacey Keibler or Elle Macpherson capability gams we're talking about on the Sun Mountain bags. Wide rubber feet (the Stacey/Elle analogies have now ended) furnish perfect stability, and the legs pop out in fact upon setting down the bag. There is an element of independent suspension in the legs, in that they don't both automatically pop out the same amount, which is helpful when dealing with uneven lies. A Velcro strap can be used to lock the legs if the user is traveling or using a cart.

Score: 94
Grade: A

Like most of its competitors, the Sun Mountain Zero-G features 4 adjustment points for the straps. The padding on the straps is excellent.

The distinguishing highlight of the Zero-G, of course, is the hip belt, which we'll comprise as a "strap" for purposes of our review. Sun Mountain's previous attempt at redistributing weight was its terrible "Hug" technology, which complex flipping down an ungainly foam-covered metal brace around your hips.

But with the Zero-G, they've figured it out. The new hip belt eases the weight of the clubs and the bag off of your fragile back and shoulders and on to the big muscles of your hips and legs. Users will feel the unlikeness over the policy of a round (particularly on hilly terrain).

Using the Zero-G's hip belt is a piece of cake - as with any other bag, you start by slinging it over your shoulders with the backpack straps, and then you plainly fasten the padded belt strap around your hips with the Velcro that is located about where a belt buckle would be. Upon arriving at your ball, you pull the Velcro apart and set down the bag as you commonly would. Occasionally, fastening and unfastening the Velcro belt is more problem than it's worth (like when you chunk an arrival shot 40 yards) - in those cases, users can just leave the belt unfastened.

If you are taking a cart or traveling and don't want to have to deal with the belt strap, you can in fact slip the belt off of the bag and then use the "standard" backpack setup.

Score: 89
Grade: B+

The Sun Mountain Zero-G features 7 total pockets.

  • 1 large garment pocket runs along the right side of the bag, with 1 medium sized pocket and 1 small velour-lined waterproof valuables pocket (so your iPhone doesn't zonk when it rains!) both along the outside of the garment pocket.
  • 1 medium-sized and 1 small pocket rest on the spine of the bag.
  • 1 medium sized ball pocket is on the left side of the bag, with 1 further beverage pouch along the outside of this pocket. One note - the belt strap interferes with passage to both of these pockets when the bag is set on the ground - it's not impossible to reach them, but the user has to bend the belt strap out of the way. When the bag is on the user's shoulders and the belt strap is fastened, unfettered passage to these pockets (and in single the beverage pouch) is restored.
  • There's an further pen possessor along the spine of the bag, so if it wanted to, Sun Mountain could probably claim 8 pockets.
The Sun Mountain Zero-G includes original straps on the right side of the bag for keeping an umbrella and a ring for attaching a towel.

It's a very accepted layout for pockets, but one that works well.

Rain Hood
Score: 83
Grade: B-

The Sun Mountain Zero-G has the same convoluted rain hood as the other Sun Mountain and Titleist products. Securing the hood involves the difficult process of threading two Velcro straps through anchors on the front of the bag (instead of around the legs, which was our first guess), then snapping two buttons around the straps, and ultimately threading a final Velcro strap around the handle. As mentioned in those other reviews, we think Sun Mountain went a bit overboard with the security levels - the lengthy set-up process seems counterintuitive to the immediate goal of getting the clubs covered as soon as possible.

Carrying Impressions
Score: 96
Grade: A

Boy did we like using the Sun Mountain Zero-G!

  • Weight. The bag weighed 5.6 pounds as tested (including the rain hood and the belt strap), about at the median of the competitors in our test.
  • Balance. The bag is evenly balanced over the shoulders.
  • Padding. There are two nice kidney bean shaped pads that nestle supportively into the user's lower back.
  • Handles/Straps. As mentioned in other reviews, one remarkable highlight of the Sun Mountain bags is the handle that is integrated into the rim of the bag. The user plainly grasps this handle with the right hand to place the bag securely on the ground (and kick off the legs) and slide the strap off of the right shoulder in one simple motion. This became such a natural request for retrial for us that we would search in vain for the same handle when testing other bags.
Score: 86
Grade: B
86 / B

About median in terms of the looks of the bag itself, the Sun Mountain Zero-G gets docked a tiny for style because, to be honest, the belt looks a bit dorky when it's unfastened. The Sun Mountain Zero-G comes in six different color combinations:

  • Red, with white and black trim (similar to the Louisville Cardinals)
  • Yellow, with black and white trim (Iowa Hawkeyes)
  • Purple, with yellow, black and white trim (some mid-major school Must have this combination)
  • Blue, with red, white and black trim (Louisiana Tech)
  • Orange, with yellow, black and white trim (we're pretty sure No school uses these colors)
  • Black, with just a hit of red piping and white trim (Cincinnati Bearcats)
Score: 95
Grade: A

We just can't say adequate about the belt strap. In our minds, it fundamentally changes the carrying experience, much like Izzo's development of the backpack strap did about 15 years ago. We look forward to finding further innovation on this make from other bag manufacturers. The Zero-G also gets points for the integrated handle at the top of the bag.

Score: 90
Grade: A-

The Sun Mountain Zero-G provides solid features and capability carrying out and the belt strap took it over the top and made it our favorite. Yes, it is the second most costly bag in our test, at a hefty 9.99, but "value" doesn't necessarily just mean a low price. What our reviewers look for is whether the product delivers utility commensurate with the price, and our reviewers (and their lower backs) felt that the Sun Mountain Zero-G was well worth the investment.

present of Sun Mountain Zero-G Golf Carry Bag